How older men can get a job at Google, Facebook: Brotox

(Credit: CBS Dallas-Fort Worth Screenshot: Chris Matyszczyk)

Google, Facebook, and their ilk are young companies. In every sense.

It isn’t merely that they rise in their toddler years to become worth more than many nations. It’s that all of the faces who work there seem fresher than springtime daisies.

This has led to the occasional accusation that these companies don’t really want to hire older people. You know, those over 36.

Google, indeed, suffered a lawsuit from Brian Reid, the then 54-year-old engineer — and the man credited with helping craft the first firewall — who claimed he was terminated just before Google’s IPO because of his age.

Now, however, some men whose years are advancing are taking steps to avoid being seen as old. The remedy: cosmetic surgery.

As CBS Dallas-Fort Worth reports, some men in their 40s are not going to take it any more. They’re going to fill it.

They’re going to get themselves Botox.

CBS talked to Don Pelham, a Dallas businessman who lamented his looks.

“It was like I was 26 one day, and then I woke up and I was in my 40s. Some of the things weren’t looking the same way they used to,” he said.

Some find that happening after one long night on tequila.

His cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Jeffrey Adelglass, surely offered hope to so many when he told CBS: “They look older, they look tired. They don’t have that vitalized look. They come in and get a vitalized look, and bam they get a job.”


Pelham admitted that this procedure — charmingly referred to as “Brotox” — isn’t something he immediately describes to his friends. However, he has a simple theory about life, or at least its physical side: “Up to 25 it’s physique, after 25 it’s maintenance,” he told CBS. “So, I’m just maintaining.”

More Technically Incorrect

Perhaps maintenance isn’t a concept that has quite reached Silicon Valley yet. I know, though, that certain people who reach their mid-30s suddenly feel old at tech companies.

They are surrounded by pretty little boys and girls who believe they’ll soon make their fortunes, while still being able to online date, smoke pot, and drink profusely just as they did at college.

It can be somewhat disorienting, especially if the younger employees of their target sex look to them more as mentors and friends, rather than vibrant objects of desire. It’s even worse if they’re not very good on a skateboard.

Perhaps there are a few techies in the Valley’s woodwork who have already availed themselves of facial rejuvenation.

It would be lovely to hear if it helped their fortunes — as well as young people’s heads — turn.

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